Article I: Name
The name of this association is Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education (AILACTE).
Article II: Purpose
The purposes for which AILACTE is organized are:
To provide an effective voice for member institutions at the national, state, and campus level in matters related to teacher education;
To provide a communication and information system for sharing concerns, issues, and viewpoints in teacher education as they pertain to member institutions;
To raise the general level of awareness of the needs of member institutions and of those who do not fall within its membership;
To make available to educational policy-making groups the talent, values and perspectives represented in the membership;
To cooperate with other associations to promote quality teacher education.
Article III: Membership
Section 1. Full Membership is institutional in nature and shall be open to those colleges and universities that have state-approved teacher education programs, are private in ownership, liberal arts in direction, and current in payment of full membership dues.
Each full member institution shall be entitled to up to four votes when conducting the business of the association.
Section 2. Affiliate Membership is open to any college or university that can demonstrate commitment to the purposes of AILACTE, but which does not meet the complete criteria listed in Article III: Section 1 Full Membership, and current in payment of affiliate membership dues. Affiliate members shall not be entitled to a vote when conducting the business of the association.
Section 3. Individual Membership is open to any individual who is formerly affiliated with an independent liberal arts college and is current in payment of individual membership dues. Individual members shall not be entitled to a vote when conducting the business of the association.
Article IV: Officers and Board of Directors
Section 1. The officers of AILACTE shall include President, President-elect or Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each officer should have full, affiliate, or individual AILACTE membership.
Section 2. Members of the Board of Directors shall include the officers, the Publications Editor, any representative from a full member institution who serves on the AACTE Board of Directors, and four persons to represent the various member institutions, elected from the following four regions:
East: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, D.C.
South: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Midwest: Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin
West: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
Section 3. The Executive Assistant supports the activities of the association, and the work of the Board of Directors, and is an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board of Directors. The Executive Assistant is appointed annually and evaluated by the Board of Directors. The Executive Assistant will report to and be supervised by the President of the association. Compensation and reimbursement of expenses for the Executive Assistant will be included in the AILACTE budget that is approved annually by the membership.
Section 4. Members of the Board of Directors may be removed from office for just cause by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Duties of the Officers and Board of Directors
The President shall:
Be a representative of an AILACTE full member institution,
Convene the Annual Meetings and such other meetings of the membership as may be called and presides over the business thereof,
Convene meetings of the Board of Directors as necessary and presides over them,
Develop the agenda for the Annual Business Meeting and meetings of the Board of Directors, subject to the approval of these groups as the first order of business,
Appoint the Publications Editor with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors,
Establish such ad hoc and continuing study committees as deemed appropriate, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors,
Approve the need for any committee which is necessary for the proper functioning of the association and confirms appointments pertaining thereto,
Serve as the official representative of the association between meetings of the total membership,
Carry out the recommendations of the membership,
Recommend to the Board of Directors an appointment for any position on the Board of Directors which becomes vacant when the Nominating Committee is not convened for regular nominating business,
Convene other meetings/forums as appropriate.
The President-Elect shall:
Serve as President in the event the President is unable to attend the meetings of the association or its Board of Directors,
Assist the President when called upon, in carrying out the duties and responsibilities which accrue to that office,
Coordinate membership with the Regional Representatives, the Treasurer, and the Secretary,
Chair the Nominating Committee.
The Past President shall:
Serve as President in the event the President is unable to attend the meetings of the association or its Board of Directors,
Assist the President when called upon, in carrying out the duties and responsibilities which accrue to that office,
Coordinate membership with the Regional Representatives, the Treasurer, and the Secretary,
Chair the Council of Past Presidents,
Chair the Nominating Committee.
The Secretary shall:
Record the minutes of all Board of Directors and regular meetings of the association,
Provide each institution with minutes of all business meetings,
Notify member institutions of the meetings of the association,
Communicate with the Executive Assistant, Regional Representatives, and AILACTE constituents regarding membership, including
Send monthly membership updates to Regional Representatives,
Follow-up with institutions that have not renewed,
Welcome new institutions with a membership packet,
Ensure publication of the annual membership directory.
The Treasurer shall:
Serve as the fiscal agent of the association,
Disburse funds upon appropriate authorizations for all obligations of the association,
Submit regular fiscal reports of expenses and income to the Board of Directors,
Prepare and submit to the Board of Directors a proposed Annual Budget,
Prepare and submit all financial records and reports to an auditor for an annual review.
The Board of Directors shall:
Annually evaluate the dues structure and make appropriate recommendations,
Approve the need for any committee which is necessary for the proper functioning of the association and confirm appointments pertaining thereto,
Serve as the official representative of the association between meetings of the total membership,
Carry out the recommendations of the membership,
Vote on the recommendation of the President for any position on the Board of Directors which becomes vacant when the Nominating Committee is not convened for regular nominating business,
Convene other meetings/forums as appropriate.
The Publications Editor shall:
Produce and disseminate publications as directed by the Board of Directors,
Seek avenues for the promotion of teacher education in liberal arts settings.
Regional Representatives shall:
Appoint representatives for each state in their respective regions,
Assist state representatives with recruitment of new members,
Maintain communication with state representatives in their respective regions,
Coordinate the State Representatives Forum at the AILACTE Annual Meeting, including
Contact quarterly,
Annually request updated contact information from state representatives regarding AILACTE institutions and potential member institutions,
Forward updated contact information to the Executive Assistant for recordkeeping purposes.
AACTE Representatives shall:
Facilitate communication between AACTE and AILACTE.
Article V: Terms of Office
Terms of office commence at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting.
The President shall serve for two years; during the following year, the President shall serve as Past President.
The President-Elect shall serve for one year and then become President.
The Secretary shall be appointed by the Board of Directors for a three-year term.
The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors for a three-year term.
Regional representatives shall be elected for three-year terms.
AACTE representatives shall serve while they are members of the AACTE Board of Directors.
The Publications Editor shall be appointed by the Board of Directors for a two-year term.
Article VI: Elections
The Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the immediate Past President or President Elect. Its responsibility shall be to provide at least two nominees for each vacancy which exists on the Board of Directors. The ballot shall be broadly representative of member institutions. The Nominating Committee may consider a prospective nominee’s record of involvement with AILACTE as one of the selection criteria. If the Nominating Committee is unable to recruit two nominees after a good faith effort, a single nominee may be put forward. For regular elections, the Nominating Committee shall prepare a ballot to be voted upon by the Full Membership. The Nominating Committee will work with the Executive Assistant to notify the membership of results. The report of the Nominating Committee will be recorded at the next Board of Directors meeting. For vacancies occurring during an officer’s term, the Board of Directors shall by a majority vote select a successor to complete the remaining term.
Article VII: State Representatives
State Representatives are recruited by the Regional Representatives and the Board of Directors. State Representatives shall:
Provide information to AILACTE regarding contact information for private independent institutions in their state
Provide feedback to AILACTE regarding issues facing the private independent institutions in their state
Recruit new members in their state
Maintain communication with the Regional Representative
Attend the AILACTE Annual Meeting, or send a designee, and participate in the State Representatives Forum
Article VIII: Committees
Committees other than those specified in the Bylaws may be convened by the Board of Directors for carrying out the purposes of this association.
Article IX: Meetings
The association shall hold an annual meeting. A business meeting will be conducted as part of the annual meeting. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Article X: Finances and Dues
AILACTE is designated not-for-profit, and no part of its funds shall inure to the benefit of any member institution or individual or political party.
The fiscal year is January 1 through December 31.
The General Fund shall consist of the income from the receipt of dues from member institutions and any other income which may accrue to the association.
A budget shall be submitted to the membership for its approval no later than two weeks after the annual meeting.
An annual report of income and expenses incurred by the association shall be presented to the membership at each annual meeting.
Changes to membership dues shall be based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors. Dues shall be determined by a simple majority vote of the members no later than two weeks after the annual meeting.
Article XI: Amendments
A simple majority of the Board of Directors is required before any amendments to the Bylaws may be considered. Bylaws may be amended by a vote of member institutions through a simple majority of the membership, provided that all members have been notified at least two weeks in advance of the proposed amendment.
Article XII: Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order (revised) shall be the parliamentary authority of the Board of Directors subject to the Bylaws that may be adopted.
Standing Rules
Standing rules relate to the details of the administration of AILACTE. Standing rules may be adopted or changed by a majority vote of the membership or a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.
I Awards
The Board of Directors may alter the number of awards given by the association for the benefit of member institutions. The Board of Directors may also alter evaluation criteria used for judging the quality of award applications.
II Representation
The representatives of any member institutions should include, to the maximum extent possible, a cross-section of faculties engaged in the preparation of teachers, including those in academic disciplines, and all major units of professional teacher education faculty.
III Resolutions
Resolutions stating the position of the association on matters of significance to the membership may be proposed. The Board of Directors shall solicit proposed resolutions from member institutions. Such proposed resolutions shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors. A proposed resolution shall be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to a call for a vote. Following a two-week comment period, a vote shall be called with a two-week opportunity for response. A resolution shall be considered adopted and in effect when approved by a majority of the votes cast by members.
IV Travel Expenses
Section 1. The association covers designated travel expenses incurred by the Board of Directors for its annual conference and yearly Board of Directors meeting.
The association will reimburse up to the cost of a thirty-day advance-purchase airfare in coach class, for automobile mileage at the current federal rate up to the cost of a thirty-day advance-purchase airfare in coach class and train and bus fare up to the cost of a thirty-day advance-purchase airfare in coach class.
The President and Treasurer will decide how lodging expenses will be handled for each meeting. Covered hotel expenses typically include nightly room charges but not hotel incidental charges.
Board of Directors Sponsored Meals
All Board of Directors sponsored meals are covered by the association. At some venues, the President and Treasurer will establish a maximum amount per person, and individual Board members cover anything in excess of that amount. Alcohol purchase will not be covered by the association.
Other Meals and Daily Incidental Expenses
Expenses incurred during the time period between the beginning of travel to meetings and the end of travel from meetings will be reimbursed up to the federal per diem amount for the city of travel.
Miscellaneous Expenses
Ground transportation, parking, and tolls incurred during travel to Board of Directors meetings will be reimbursed. Other travel expenses may be eligible for reimbursement upon application to the Treasurer.
Receipts for all expenses must be presented along with a travel reimbursement form.
Statute of Limitations
Reimbursement requests must be received within 30 days of the completion of travel.
Revised October 2019